Are You Having Healthy Bowel Movements?

Why is a Healthy Bowel Movement Important?

A healthy bowel movement is essential for maintaining proper digestive function. When waste material lingers in the colon for an extended period, it can lead to various issues such as constipation, bloating, and discomfort. On the other hand, regular and well-formed bowel movements promote efficient waste elimination, ensuring the removal of toxins and preventing the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

Digestion Begins With Your Eyes!

Digestion is a process that has great significance to your well-being. So take a few minutes to remind yourself how your body digests food. This is an automatic function that we are usually not aware of. Digestion of food starts with your eyes; believe it or not—saliva forms in the mouth just by looking at food, preparing your digestive system to start working. You then take food into your mouth and start chewing. Food gets broken up from large to small lumps, and to make sure your food is easily digested, it’s best to chew your food until it becomes liquid, if you can! Your saliva starts breaking down the food you put into your mouth, and sugars are absorbed immediately. Watch this great video that explains digestion well.

Watch How Your Digestive System Works

Food Then Travels into Your Stomach

The food goes down into the stomach. The stomach then churns the food with gastric acid. The type of food you eat determines the time it spends in your stomach. The acid breaks down your food into a gloopy liquid called chyme; it passes to the duodenum. Here it is neutralized, and bile from the liver and kidneys is mixed. The bitterness will emulsify or break down the fats into essential fatty acids. Enzymes will separate the food into minerals, micronutrients, vitamins, and the minor components the body requires. This chyme now passes to the small intestine.

Small Intestines

The small intestine’s job is to absorb the bulk of the goodness from the food. Blood vessels run just below the membrane of the intestines, and the minerals and vitamins are interesting here. The lymph system absorbs fats. The bloodstream and the lymphatic system will now take the goodness to where it is needed.

Your Food Ends Up In Your Colon

Finally, your colon receives the chyme for processing and recycling the water content out of the liquid resulting in stools forming. The time material is spent in the colon will directly affect how much water is drawn out and the consistency of stools.

Constipation and Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the symptom that material is passing very quickly through the colon, which means that very little liquid has time to be drawn out. In the case of constipation, the material passes very slowly through the colon, and more and more water is being drawn out, making the stools firmer and harder to pass.

Your colon or large bowel is more than a meter long. Your rectum and anal passage are your large intestines, which begin just above your appendix and are known as the caecum. It continues upwards as the ascending colon almost to the ribs on the right-hand side and then loops across to the opposite side. This is called the transverse colon. It then drops down the left side, and this is called the descending colon, which loops again into the sigmoid just before it joins the rectum. Last of all comes the anus.

Your colon stores faecal matter. The lining of your colon is called mucosa, which forms a barrier to such things as virus infections and unhealthy bacteria. Your colon muscles are constantly moving and contracting to carry the matter up and onward on its journey.

What is a normal bowel movement?

It is clear from the little research that has been done on what is classed as regular bowel movements that we are all different. For some people opening their bowels once a day is considered normal; for others, it can be three or four times a day. It all depends on your metabolic system, how quickly your body digests your food, and the quality of fibre you eat in your diet. There is also the question of medications that have the side effect of making you constipated. Doing an organic herbal colon cleanse twice a year will assist your colon in staying healthy.

Bristol Stool Scale For Poo

The Bristol Stool Chart is a medical aid designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories.

bristol stool chart

Type 1 and 2. Constipation is hard, dry, lumpy stools that are difficult or painful to pass, accompanied by bloating and discomfort. Constipation occurs through chronic dehydration and insufficient fibre in your diet or medication. Drinking plenty of water each day helps. If you cannot exercise and have a diet that contains little fibre resulting in constipation, look at different ways of changing your diet and consider doing a Herbal colon cleanse to clear the bowel. To promote healthier bowel movements, you will need to drink at least 1 lt of water daily, or two if possible.

One in 5 middle-aged women suffers from constipation. Adult males have fewer problems, but the incidence of constipation rises in both sexes with advancing age. People say they are constipated when they can not empty their bowels as often or quickly as they would like. A desirable bowel habit is a once to twice-daily evacuation of a softly formed stool passed without difficulty or pain in a timely fashion. There is vast individual variation in everyday bowel habits.

Some people hold onto their motion for many days. The large bowel absorbs water from the stool, which may become complex, dry, and difficult to pass. Cramp and abdominal pain is joint and is usually relieved with the evacuation of a bowel motion. Doing a herbal colon cleanse will help your colon evacuate built facial matter and promote healthier bowel movements.

Normal Healthy Bowel Movements

Type 3 and 4 are considered to be regular bowel movements. They are easy to pass and leave no mess on the toilet paper.

Type 5 to 7 Indication of loose stools or Diarrhoea There are many known causes for people experiencing Diarrhoea, and not all of them indicate that something is wrong. Prolonged Diarrhoea is not regular and could indicate a problem.

  • Bowel or stomach infection
  • Food allergies or intolerances
  • Too much consumption of alcohol
  • Overuse of laxatives
  • Possible Diverticulitis
  • Possible Crohn’s disease
  • Possible ulcerative colitis
  • Possible irritable bowel syndrome

Oat and wheat bran, brown rice and pasta, green vegetables including cabbage, spinach, and Brussels, when in season, peaches and strawberries. Apples with skins, bananas, avocados, and sunflower seeds are just a few examples of high fibre.

Yummy Healthy Breakfast

In a bowl, put 2 TBSP of organic oats. I like medium-sized oats. Pour over coconut milk (no added sugar). Put to one side to soak. In a jam jar, put a teaspoon of chia seeds and enough coconut milk to cover well. Shake up and allow to stand for 10 mins. To the oats, add a spoonful of ground flax seeds and a tablespoon of organic dried grapes, Black Muscat is beautiful, and you can get them from here You can add a sprinkling of organic psyllium, which you buy from our shop. Add the chia seeds and a little more coconut milk if needed.

This excellent raw fibre breakfast and the combination helps with regular bowel movements. Our short bowel cleanse is also a good option for helping with constipation. In some cases, especially with a lazy bowel doing a Quick Bowel Cleanse is all needed to shift the built-up material in your bowel.

Please Note

Self-diagnosis of symptoms can harm your health, so please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare practitioner if in doubt. We offer a free consultation.

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