Parasites, Yeast, Candida, Fungal Infections The Connection

Intestinal parasites, Yeast, Candida, and Fungal infections, the connection is surprisingly apparent. There are two main types of intestinal parasites, those visible to the human eye, worms, and one-cell parasites called protozoans, invisible to the naked eye.

Parasites, Candida, and other yeast/fungal infections

They have been around for years, and symptoms are often wrongly diagnosed, misdiagnosed, or overlooked purely through lack of research and knowledge.

Parasites Yeast, Candida, Fungal Infections The Connection

Intestinal parasites are high on the list of human diseases as serious contributors to population diseases. Over a fourth of known infectious diseases are caused by intestinal parasites. The connection parasites have with intestinal yeast, and fungal infections are surprisingly apparent.

Parasites yeast and Candida infections and more common now than ten years ago. Today, I would go as far as to say that we in the Western world are suffering from parasites and yeast infections to silent epidemic proportions. In recent years with the growing number of chronic immune disorders, one main focus is now on parasite infestation.

Candida and your body

Candida begins to be felt in the small intestines. After infesting the small intestines, Candida starts feeding off vital nutrients, preventing absorption into the body. Just one of the main symptoms of Candida is cravings for sugar, which many people cannot overcome and have little or no knowledge of the cause.

Candid yeast and fungus diets do help reduce these layers, but beware, as you can be pulled into a false sense of security thinking and feeling the yeast infestation has gone, only to find it is back again. Also, these diets are harsh, and many people cannot continue for the length of time stated.

What have you tried to get rid of intestinal parasites?

  • Prescribed Drugs
  • Stool Tests
  • Blood Tests
  • Self Diagnosis Treatments
  • On-line Candida Treatments

All test results negative parasites detected. Okay, what are these I am passing from my body daily if not parasites? Have you been told that you have psychological problems because test after test comes back negative?

What is the cotton wool type mucus that is floating on the surface of the toilet and entwines in my stools, Candida? Yes, it most definitely is.

Candida overgrowths

An overgrowth of Candida is often present with pathogenic bacteria and parasites. Yeast forms a protective coating on the mucosal lining of the intestines, which becomes a protective shield against parasites and other unwanted agents. This protective coating is known as Biofilm. The Biofilm surrounds the parasite keeping it safe to live out the life cycle and reproduce.

Many parasites are ingested and then reproduced in the gastrointestinal tract. The minute larvae enter the bloodstream can reside in any body part. The Trichinosis parasite is a nematode roundworm that gets into the body from ingesting infected meat, most likely undercooked pork. This little parasite likes to live in the muscles of its host and then form a cyst. An infected pig does not exhibit signs of parasites during its short life. These parasites can also be passed on from mother to piglets and from human mother to her baby.

The Liver Fluke Human Parasite

The liver fluke is a Trematode parasite that lives in the bile ducts in the liver and infects an estimated 30 million people after consuming raw or undercooked fish. The worms can live up to ten years and possibly longer. As they reproduce and infect the liver, the consequences can be fatal

Many people suffer chronic digestive and immune disorder symptoms for years before being diagnosed with any illness. Most of the visits to the doctors wrongly diagnose (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chrone’s disease, stress-related issues, or some other diagnoses that affect the digestive system.

Treatment For Human Parasites and Help With Candida

Treatment is normally uncomplicated and easy to do, and several options are available.

View our Natural Herbal Parasite Treatment

If you do not have a complication with Candida then do a parasite intestinal cleanse with herbs. If you have Candida, bacterial, or fungal infection, treat these side by side with a parasite cleanse. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further help; we have herbal products made fresh when ordered for Candida, fungal and yeast infections.

Hyphal Growth in Human Fungal Pathogens and Its Role in Virulence

Please Note

We are selling loose herbs. We are not selling herbs as pre-packaged therapeutic products. All products are made up individually and only blended and encapsulated once you order. We make no therapeutic claims about the blends we sell. Always drink plenty of water and add extra fiber to your diet. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice. Self-diagnosis is unadvised.

Call us Now!

If you are trying to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take any herbs without consulting a qualified practitioner. Herbs may not be suitable for children, always seek professional advice. Information provided on this web page is for educational purposes only. Please do your research about the herbs we offer. The full ingredients can be found in the eBooks, and we encourage you to read them before you order. Self-diagnosis can harm your health, so please seek advice from your doctor or health practitioner if in doubt. We offer a free consultation.

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