Candida Support Natural Herbal Blend – Freshly Prepared

We offer a unique blend of premium, certified organic herbs that support the elimination of Candida overgrowth. Freshly prepared and free Candida Herbal Tea with every order.



Candida Support Natural Herbal Blend – Freshly Prepared

Candida Natural Herbal Support 186 Capsules

Kicking Candida

We offer a unique blend of premium, certified organic herbs that support the elimination of Candida overgrowth. Every order includes freshly prepared, free Candida Herbal Tea.

Candida is a living yeast that multiplies and thrives in your body’s moist and warm parts. Your digestive system, especially your Colon, is a prime target for the overgrowth of Candida. Candida can also thrive on your skin.

These herbs also help support the elimination of thrush, yeast infection or fungal infections. You may be experiencing uncomfortable symptoms or slight symptoms that go unnoticed. Research studies have estimated that as many as 65 per cent of people have Candida overgrowth in their intestines. If left untreated, Candida can occur throughout your body.

We offer you a unique blend of 13 certified organic herbs and spices that contain properties known to help support kicking candidiasis.  Kicking Candida Support herbal capsules are blended and encapsulated when we receive your order from certified organic herbs sourced within Australia. You may need to take them over three months alongside your Candida Diet.

We use #00 HPMC capsules, which are 100% natural plant sources. This is one month’s supply of Kicking Candida Capsules.

Our unique blend of certified organic herbs

  • Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Quassia Bark (Quassia amara)
  • Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa)
  • Olive Leaf (Olea europaea)
  • Neem Leaf (Azadirachta indica)
  • Pau D’Arco (Handroanthus impetiginosus)
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
  • Cape Aloe (Aloe ferox)
  • Garlic (Allium sativum)
  • Rosemany (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
  • Black Walnut leaf (Juglans nigra)
  • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)

Symptoms of Candida, yeast or fungal infection

  • Feeling unwell
  • Lack of energy
  • Brain fog can’t concentrate
  • Lack of concentration
  • Sensitive to chemicals
  • Fungal skin infections
  • Tongue coated White
  • Irregular bowels; diarrhoea or constipation
  • Excessive flatulence
  • Stomach pain/cramps (IBS)
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Vaginal yeast infections
  • Vaginal itching
  • Rectal itching
  • Sugar addiction
  • Fungal sinusitis
  • Muscle weakness/joint pain
  • Sinus problems
  • Undiagnosed allergy symptoms

Candida symptoms can throw your immune system out of balance. Finding a good Candida Diet is essential.

Giving Your Body a Helping Hand With Probiotics

Your body needs friendly bacteria. Take Probiotics as part of the Candida program. Probiotics will help rebalance the natural flora in the large intestine or Colon. Many probiotic supplements are available. They are beneficial for restoring balance to the intestinal flora once the Candida overgrowth is under control. We recommend Bioglan Broad Spectrum Probiotics 100 Billion Purchase here.

Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes help prevent Candida overgrowth. An excellent natural Broad-Spectrum Digestive Enzyme is taken at each meal. It helps break down food, leaving less food available to feed Candida. Always take digestive enzymes with food.

Read Our Free eBook, Kicking Candida

Please Note: We are selling loose herbs. We are not selling herbs as pre-packaged therapeutic products. Our products are blended and packed once you order. By purchasing, you permit us to blend the herbs for the ordered product and encapsulate them on your behalf.  We make no therapeutic claims about any herbs we offer for sale.


The information contained on this page is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure illness, prevent disease or prescribe treatments. Seek medical advice from your qualified practitioner before using these products. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications or use these products in combination with existing ones until you have spoken to your qualified practitioner or GP.

There is ample information regarding herbs and their benefits. Always research before purchasing, and seek medical advice if you have persistent symptoms. Self-diagnosis is unadvised. Do not take any herbs if you are trying to conceive or breastfeeding. We offer a free phone consultation using the Contact Form.


Candida, Fungal Infections the Connection

Candida Support Herbal Tea Blend

Read Our Free eBook Candida Support.

What to Eat on a Candida Diet




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celestine z.
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A blessing to be able to have access to the products and the professional help from Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse!Absolutely amazing products! Already undergoing the treatment with Ropeworm Biofilm Purge and I can feel the benefits of this cleasing! Very impressed with Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse loving care, generosity and professionalism! I am grateful for the support offered beyond words can express my appreciation! Thank you, Sarah! Blessings and love
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Amazing! This product was really great, it worked extremely well for my partner and I , highly recommend
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Impressed with the results! I recently tried the herbal colon cleanse, and I'm impressed with the results. The gentle yet effective formula helped alleviate occasional bloating and improved my digestive comfort. After completing the recommended cycle, I felt lighter and more energised. The natural ingredients and gradual approach made it easy to incorporate into my routine. Overall, a reliable option for those seeking a gentle colon cleanse and lovely personalised customer service.
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Amazing results fast! - This is my first ever herbal parasite cleanse, I'm up to Day 10 of my Day 14 Ropeworm Biofilm Cleanse and the massive ropeworms were being released from day 2 and each morning! I'm loving this cleanse, it's easy and feels great, and I've already got my 14-day extension ready to keep going. I'm actually shocked to see what's releasing knowing that it's been in my body for so long, but better out than in. I'm so happy with this product, I'm going to try other parasite cleanses from this company and do what I can to get these critters out. This will become a regular cleanse and I'm really happy to see results so quickly. The customer service has been great, Sarah Chambers and the team are very knowledgeable and kindly answered my questions and have really helped me choose the right products for my situation. Highly recommend it, and remember to eat a healthy diet as well - great nutrition and healthy habits are important and also help. The packaging is great, the instructions are easy to follow, and the e-book is full of great information. What I like most about this product, is that each day there are different herbs to take, with a planned protocol.
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Mainstay for Health - I have been using Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse products for over 5 years now and I wouldn't be without them. Their products do what they are intended to do. There's no superficial, overhyped advertising. The results speak for themselves. Customer service is second to none. If I ever need any further information or guidance, they are only an email or phone call away, the latter being a rare and wonderful thing in today's world. My heath wouldn't be where it is today without their help.
Amber S.
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reat product, great customer serviceBest herbal parasite cleanse on the market. This company provides great products and great customer service.
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Parasite Cleanse knocked out my unwanted guests - I purchased the Blastocystis Hominis Parasite Cleanse after having anal itching (worse at night) for some weeks. Most likely a pinworm / thread worm infestation. Postage time was fair / fine. 1 minor hiccup - my herbs were packaged with instructions for a different cleanse. I emailed the support mailbox and Sarah sent the correct instructions within 24 hours (fast and helpful response in my opinion). I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the cleanse. By the end of day 1 my night itches were barely noticeable. No itching from day 2 onwards. I've purchased 4 products from this business and in all cases have felt that the herbs or other ingredients used were high quality and effective.
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Just what I needed Really happy with the knowledge and advise I recieved. The herbs arrived on time and Im really satisfied with the results. Great product and great personal contact from Sarah.
Kerry Steele
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Rope worm review - I have been an ongoing customer, I love the products. I just finished the ropeworm biofilm purge. After all my detoxing over the last two years I did not think I would have any parasites in my body. I was wrong I passed a long rope worm after three days on the detox cleanse. Yes another amazing product, thank you.
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eeling lighter with more energyHello Sarah I just want to tell you how wonderful I felt after doing your rope work purge. My stomach no longer feels bloated and I have more energy.
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Great company to work with! I have a colonic hydrotherapy business and have recently added some of there products to my clinic. Right from the start Sarah has been incredibly helpful and is so knowledgeable with everything gut related and is great at prescribing the best product for you (takes out the guess work). I love that all the products are organic and the quality is superior. They have proven to be very popular with my clients and I have seen excellent results both with myself and my clients. I’ll definitely be ordering more in the future!
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Will continue to use theses productaIt was easy to access the products I required. the range of products are terrific and the products were of high quality. Sarah and her team were always very prompt in answering questions which I appreciated. A big thank you to all off you
Tee Smith
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Ropeworm Bio Film purge- Extremely effective. Good riddance decades old parasitesThe store provides PDF formatted instructions about the product, clear instructions and detailed program. Fast postage. Neatly and hygenically packaged.