Leaky Gut Herbal Support 200g – Certified Organic Herbs


Herbal Blend for Leaky Gut Support – Prepared With Certified Organic Herbs. No fillers or preservatives, gluten-free. Free Shipping within Australia

Original price was: AUD$85.00.Current price is: AUD$75.00.


Leaky Gut Herbal Support 200g – Certified Organic Herbs

Herbal Blend for Leaky Gut Support

Prepared With Certified Organic Herbs. No fillers or preservatives, gluten-free. Free Shipping within Australia.

A Blend of Herbs to Support Leaky Gut:

  • Certified Organic Slippery Elm
  • Amino Acid L-Glutamine
  • Organic Apple Pectin
  • Certified Organic Marshmallow
  • Certified Organic St Mary’s Thistle
  • Certified Organic Aloe Vera
  • Certified Pure Boswellia Powder (Frankincense)
  • Certified Cat’s Claw
  • Certified Organic Chamomile Powder
  • Certified Organic Stevia
  • Organic Natural Flavours

Leaky Gut Support – Prepared With Certified Organic Herbs. No fillers or preservatives, gluten-free, just fresh ground herbs. Free Shipping.

Leaky Gut and Parasites

Have you been diagnosed with parasites or have symptoms that could be linked to parasites? If so, you could also have a leaky gut, as leaky gut, candida, and parasites/worms go hand in hand regarding gut issues. You can be walking around hosting worms for years without symptoms and not realise the damage they are causing in your gut, especially hookworm. Often misdiagnosed as something completely different.

To save money, you must determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. This can be done with stool, microbiome, and blood tests. In the long run, it will save you money on naturopath fees, doctor’s fees, and medication that may not be needed. Very few naturopaths or doctors connect parasites or worms with symptoms.

Some many parasites and worms contribute to a leaky gut, and some are listed here:

  • Blastocystis hominins
  • Giardiasis
  • Cryptosporidiosis
  • Sarcocystis
  • Ascariasis
  • Intestinal flukes
  • Balantidiasis
  • Dientamoeba fragilis
  • Round Worm
  • Threadworm
  • Hook Worm

Leaky Gut Symptoms

  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Brain fog
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Skin rashes
  • Poor immune system
  • Low on nutrients
  • Cravings the sugar
  • Cravings for carbohydrates
  • Arthritis or joint pains
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Candida
  • IBS
  • Inflammation of the gut
  • Upper stomach pain
  • Allergies/sinus

If you have any symptoms, please get in touch for a free phone consultation.

How to Help Heal Leaky Gut

Diet is the first step

Food reactions and sensitivities are common symptoms of a leaky gut or an internal imbalance and must be considered. It is essential to stop eating the foods causing the problem and inflammation. Start by cutting food from your diet that you suspect is causing reactions. Many foods could contribute to the problem, as you probably are unaware they do.

The second step is to allow complete digestion according to your body’s natural rhythm.

Daily Rhythm of Your Body

5 am to 7 am — Large Intestine is the Best time for bowel elimination.

7 am to 9 am — Stomach. Your stomach and digestive system have started to work. Have your largest meal of the day between 7 and 9 am, if possible.

After digestion, the stomach sends its contents onwards from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to the pancreas/Spleen. Pancreatic enzymes continue the digestive process, and carbohydrate energy is made available.

1 am – 1 pm — Heart. Food materials enter the bloodstream; the heart pumps nutrients throughout the system and takes the required lipids.

1 pm to 3 pm — Small Intestine. Foods take a little longer to digest. Make sure your most enormous meals are eaten before 2 or 3 pm.

3 pm to 5 pm — Bladder. The wastes from the morning’s nutrition clear, and the kidney’s filtration kicks in.

7 pm to 9 pm — Pericardium. Nutrients are carried to capillaries and the lymphatics.

9 pm to 11 pm — Triple Heater. The endocrine system adjusts the body’s homeostasis based on electrolyte and enzyme replenishment.

11 pm to 1 am — Gall Bladder. In the initial cleansing, tissues process cholesterol and enhance brain function, and your liver starts to cleanse toxins.

1 am to 3 am — Liver Cleansing of blood and processing of unwanted wastes.

3 am to 5 am — Lung. Respiration, oxygenation, and elimination of waste gases.

Rhythms Life Biological Clocks Control

Traditional Chinese Medicine approach

From a Traditional Chinese medicine approach, the cause of pain and human disease is blocked energy or a serious reduction of the flow of qi (energy) throughout the body. Qualified Practitioners who can help clear blocked energies are Chinese herbalists/acupuncturists and Functional chiropractors/Kinesiologists. You can also take your foods and supplements to a Kinesiologist. They will test them to see if they are helping or hindering your body.

Healing The Gut

Probiotics can reverse leaky gut by enhancing the production of tight junction proteins. Step three is to establish friendly gut bacteria. Probiotics help reverse leaky gut by enhancing the production of tight junction proteins, which will support your immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect your internal environment from unwanted guests.

parasites leaky gut and natural herbal treatment

You can use certified organic herbs to support and stimulate good digestion, assist with the body’s immune response, and help heal the gut. It is essential to healing a leaky gut, which needs to be done step-by-step.

Food to avoid for optimum health and protection from chronic illnesses

  • Dairy products
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Whey
  • Ice cream
  • Processed soya products
  • Wheat including gluten-free
  • Sweets/lollies
  • All grains
  • All refined sugar

Gut healing foods to include in your diet

  • Grass-fed gelatin powder
  • Eggs Boiled or poached
  • Fermented foods
  • Healthy fats (not canola)
  • L-Glutamine
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Broad spectrum probiotics
  • Fish oil

Healing your gut and restoring your body to optimal health can take some time, and you must be dedicated to healing yourself. It is so easy to drop back into old bad eating habits, and then the cycle starts all over again.

If you have low blood pressure, do not take Cat’s Claw, one of the herbs in the Leaky Gut Blend. People with kidney or liver disease should not use Cat’s Claws or Milk Thistle without consulting their doctor or healthcare professional. Always check with your GP for herb interaction if you are taking prescribed medications.

Further Information

Blastocystis: How diet and microbiota affect its development and pathogenicity.

Please Note: We are selling loose herbs. We are not selling herbs as pre-packaged therapeutic products. All our herbs are made up individually and only encapsulated once you order. By purchasing our herbs online, you permit us to encapsulate on your behalf (if needed). We make no therapeutic claims about any herbs we offer for sale. Always drink plenty of water and add extra fibre to your diet. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice. Self-diagnosis is unadvised.

If you are trying to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take any herbs without consulting a qualified practitioner. We offer a free consultation.


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celestine z.
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A blessing to be able to have access to the products and the professional help from Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse!Absolutely amazing products! Already undergoing the treatment with Ropeworm Biofilm Purge and I can feel the benefits of this cleasing! Very impressed with Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse loving care, generosity and professionalism! I am grateful for the support offered beyond words can express my appreciation! Thank you, Sarah! Blessings and love
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Amazing! This product was really great, it worked extremely well for my partner and I , highly recommend
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Impressed with the results! I recently tried the herbal colon cleanse, and I'm impressed with the results. The gentle yet effective formula helped alleviate occasional bloating and improved my digestive comfort. After completing the recommended cycle, I felt lighter and more energised. The natural ingredients and gradual approach made it easy to incorporate into my routine. Overall, a reliable option for those seeking a gentle colon cleanse and lovely personalised customer service.
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Amazing results fast! - This is my first ever herbal parasite cleanse, I'm up to Day 10 of my Day 14 Ropeworm Biofilm Cleanse and the massive ropeworms were being released from day 2 and each morning! I'm loving this cleanse, it's easy and feels great, and I've already got my 14-day extension ready to keep going. I'm actually shocked to see what's releasing knowing that it's been in my body for so long, but better out than in. I'm so happy with this product, I'm going to try other parasite cleanses from this company and do what I can to get these critters out. This will become a regular cleanse and I'm really happy to see results so quickly. The customer service has been great, Sarah Chambers and the team are very knowledgeable and kindly answered my questions and have really helped me choose the right products for my situation. Highly recommend it, and remember to eat a healthy diet as well - great nutrition and healthy habits are important and also help. The packaging is great, the instructions are easy to follow, and the e-book is full of great information. What I like most about this product, is that each day there are different herbs to take, with a planned protocol.
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Mainstay for Health - I have been using Organic Herbal Colon Cleanse products for over 5 years now and I wouldn't be without them. Their products do what they are intended to do. There's no superficial, overhyped advertising. The results speak for themselves. Customer service is second to none. If I ever need any further information or guidance, they are only an email or phone call away, the latter being a rare and wonderful thing in today's world. My heath wouldn't be where it is today without their help.
Amber S.
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reat product, great customer serviceBest herbal parasite cleanse on the market. This company provides great products and great customer service.
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Parasite Cleanse knocked out my unwanted guests - I purchased the Blastocystis Hominis Parasite Cleanse after having anal itching (worse at night) for some weeks. Most likely a pinworm / thread worm infestation. Postage time was fair / fine. 1 minor hiccup - my herbs were packaged with instructions for a different cleanse. I emailed the support mailbox and Sarah sent the correct instructions within 24 hours (fast and helpful response in my opinion). I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the cleanse. By the end of day 1 my night itches were barely noticeable. No itching from day 2 onwards. I've purchased 4 products from this business and in all cases have felt that the herbs or other ingredients used were high quality and effective.
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Just what I needed Really happy with the knowledge and advise I recieved. The herbs arrived on time and Im really satisfied with the results. Great product and great personal contact from Sarah.
Kerry Steele
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Rope worm review - I have been an ongoing customer, I love the products. I just finished the ropeworm biofilm purge. After all my detoxing over the last two years I did not think I would have any parasites in my body. I was wrong I passed a long rope worm after three days on the detox cleanse. Yes another amazing product, thank you.
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eeling lighter with more energyHello Sarah I just want to tell you how wonderful I felt after doing your rope work purge. My stomach no longer feels bloated and I have more energy.
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Great company to work with! I have a colonic hydrotherapy business and have recently added some of there products to my clinic. Right from the start Sarah has been incredibly helpful and is so knowledgeable with everything gut related and is great at prescribing the best product for you (takes out the guess work). I love that all the products are organic and the quality is superior. They have proven to be very popular with my clients and I have seen excellent results both with myself and my clients. I’ll definitely be ordering more in the future!
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Will continue to use theses productaIt was easy to access the products I required. the range of products are terrific and the products were of high quality. Sarah and her team were always very prompt in answering questions which I appreciated. A big thank you to all off you
Tee Smith
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Ropeworm Bio Film purge- Extremely effective. Good riddance decades old parasitesThe store provides PDF formatted instructions about the product, clear instructions and detailed program. Fast postage. Neatly and hygenically packaged.